Mental Health Services

Mental Health - TEWV Crisis Team


A freephone crisis line for those in mental distress.

In a mental health emergency call NHS 111 and choose option 2 for mental health service including your local crisis service.

This new service is for all ages including those with learning disabilities and/or autism who live in County Durham, Teeside and most of North Yorkshire.

The freephone line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Advice and information on what to in a mental health crisis is available here

Service Details

Organisation: Tees, Esk and Wear Valley's NHS Foundation Trust

Service Type: Support services

Website: TEWV Crisis Team 

Age groups:
  • 18 - 25 years
  • 26 - 39 years
  • 40 - 54 years
  • 55 - 59 years
  • 60 - 64 years
  • 65 - 84 years
  • 85+ years

Child and Adolescence Mental Health Service  

0191 441 5733 8am - 10pm


In a mental health crisis, call NHS 111 and select the mental health option (2)

Available 24/7, you will speak to a mental health professional who can listen to you and help you find the right support.

Please use NHS 111 – SignVideo if you are deaf or have hearing loss

Talking and Psychological Therapies

Talking therapies are an important part in the treatment of mental health problems. You can self-refer to these services without seeing a doctor if you choose. However, if you are looking for advice on a diagnosis, or would like to discuss medication, you will need to speak to a doctor at the surgery.

If you are feeling suicidal or struggling with an urgent mental health crisis, there are different services available.

Self Refer to NHS Talking Changes


An NHS self-help and psychology based talking therapies service designed to help deal with common mental health problems such as stress, anxiety or depression, as well as panic, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and post traumatic stress disorder.

Help for suicidal thoughts

If you're feeling like you want to die, it's important to tell someone.

Help and support is available right now if you need it. You do not have to struggle with difficult feelings alone.

Phone a helpline

These free helplines are there to help when you're feeling down or desperate.

Unless it says otherwise, they're open 24 hours a day, every day.

You can also call these helplines for advice if you’re worried about someone else.


Samaritans – for everyone
Call 116 123


Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day
Visit the webchat page


Papyrus – for people under 35
Call 0800 068 41 41 – 9am to midnight every day
Text 07860 039967


Childline – for children and young people under 19
Call 0800 1111 – the number will not show up on your phone bill


SOS Silence of Suicide – for everyone
Call 0300 1020 505 – 4pm to midnight every day


Message a text line

If you do not want to talk to someone over the phone, these text lines are open 24 hours a day, every day.


Shout Crisis Text Line – for everyone

Text "SHOUT" to 85258


YoungMinds Crisis Messenger – for people under 19

Text "YM" to 85258


If U Care Share - 0191 387 5661 

If U Care Share Foundation was founded with the goal of saving lives, supporting communities, and preventing suicide. We remain firmly committed to this goal and will do everything within our power to help make this happen. If U Care Share offers text line support for anyone who is not ready to engage face-to-face or isolated

Crisis Messenger

Free, confidential and 24/7 text service. Text IUCS to 85258


Mental health support for Men

ManHealth-Time to listen 7 days a week support


Talk to someone you trust

Let family or friends know what's going on for you. They may be able to offer support and help keep you safe.

There's no right or wrong way to talk about suicidal feelings – starting the conversation is what's important.

Who else you can talk to

If you find it difficult to talk to someone you know, you could:

  • call a GP – ask for an emergency appointment
  • call 111 out of hours – they will help you find the support and help you need
  • contact your mental health crisis team – if you have one


Is your life in danger?

If you have seriously harmed yourself – for example, by taking a drug overdose – or you feel that you may be about to harm yourself, call 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A&E.

Or ask someone else to call 999 or take you to A&E.


Coronavirus advice

Get advice about coronavirus and looking after your mental wellbeing:

Tips for coping right now

  • try not to think about the future – just focus on getting through today
  • stay away from drugs and alcohol
  • get yourself to a safe place, like a friend's house
  • be around other people
  • do something you usually enjoy, such as spending time with a pet

See more tips from Rethink

Worried about someone else?

If you're worried about someone, try to get them to talk to you. Ask open-ended questions like: "How do you feel about...?"

Do not worry about having the answers. Just listening to what someone has to say and taking it seriously can be more helpful.

See Samaritans' tips on how to support someone you're worried about

Read Rethink's advice on how to support someone who is having suicidal thoughts


Making a safety plan

If you struggle with suicidal thoughts or are supporting someone else, it may help to make a safety plan to use if you need it:

Shifting the Odds on Harmful Gambling

Only 3% of people suffering from harmful gambling either seek or are referred for treatment

This means millions of men and women, young and old, are suffering in silence - or not so silently causing harm to their loved ones, friends and colleagues. Many of them may be your patients.

We know how precious time is with a patient, either at screening or during in-surgery visits and telephone consultations and we also know how hard it is to recognise the signs of gambling addiction.

We want you to help us shift the odds for your patients.

Our Shifting the Odds campaign brings together a range of resources for you and your clinical teams; it provides the knowledge and confidence to start the conversation about harmful gambling and how you can refer to the NHS Northern Gambling Service.

Visit [website] for more information - as Covid restrictions drive more extreme gambling behaviour, now is the time to shift the odds.

Northern Gambling Service referral hotline: 0300 300 1490 or


Supporting your recovery

mh 1


mh 2

Durham Mental Wellbeing Alliance

Have a question? Call us on 0300 304 5527

Durham Mental Wellbeing Alliance is a free service for clients to access that provides mental health, wellbeing and recovery services to those needing support.

Lines open 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday (Closed on weekends and Bank Holiday’s)


Self referral link here