Learning Disability and Autism services and Screening Program
We aim to ensure that our services are accessible to all patients. To help people access our services, we offer a range of help and assistance.
Learning Disability Support
We are committed to improving the care and health of people with Learning Disabilities and do this by making reasonable adjustments to our services so they meet the individual needs of patients
All our staff are trained, aware and promote access to the Practice for people with learning disabilities. We are committed to directly supporting people with a learning disability, their carers and other staff.
We work with adults and children who have a learning disability who need additional support to help them access hospital and community services.
What we do:
Our service can help with:
- Co-ordination of care when patients attendpratice and also other appointments
- Complete a full pathway assessment to meet your needs and evidence any reasonable adjustments required
- Complete an annual review which highlights things we must know about you, things that are important to you and your likes and dislikes
- Promote positive experience and outcome
Screening Programs
Across the NHS, local systems and partnerships are working together to find ways that cancer screening can be made more accessible for people with a learning disability. In this short film, Jodie (aged 42), explains how she attended her first cervical screening appointment after her GP practice and learning disability nurse made the right reasonable adjustments to make her feel more comfortable and confident. Where possible please share this easy read information and a video about cervical screening for people with a learning disability to ensure more patients like Jodie come forward to attend their cervical screening appointment.
We are already ensuring that patients registered with a learning disability are being offered an annual health check, to discuss their health and wellbeing needs with a clinician. Please see a recently recorded this video clip about annual health checks and the importance of agreeing coproduced health action plans with patients.
For more information regarding NHS initiatives, plans and aspirations in this are please visit